Saturday, January 24, 2015

Jennifer Reilly

My entire life I have been a competitive athlete, involved in gymnastics, spring board diving, martial arts and many other athletic arena's.  As I was growing up, fitness and health intrigued me; so much so that I chose to pursue my Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology from the University of North Florida.
To my astonishment, what I thought to be a myth of the "Freshman Fifteen" became very real when I spiked to 50lb's overweight.  Hitting my bottom emotionally allowed for the inconsistencies to get the better of me; my health.  As a full time student, full time mother and employer, life continued to spiral out of control as did my unhealthy lifestyle.
What changed?  I turned 30.  I knew I had to do something, so one of my birthday wishes was to get back to the athlete I knew I was and to compete in my first fitness competition.  So, I joined The Midnight Sun Muscle Club for added support; the knowledge I knew I was going to need to compete; and the accountability that comes with being part of a team.  I am now the Team Coordinator, under my coach, Carrieann Hall.
My journey began in May 2014 at 210lbs.  By the time my 5" heels hit the stage, I had lost 30lbs!!  I knew that I was not "ready or tight" enough for a fitness swimsuit but what I had achieved was nothing short of a miracle to me.  I've since regained confidence I had once lost and the motivation needed to see my dreams and goals come to fruition.  I continue to compete in fitness but I'm now training to be a "mini Arnold" in physique.
My goal: To use this knowledge to educate families on how to beat the Childhood Obesity Epidemic and help children choose healthy lifestyles for their future and generations to follow.

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